Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Together we keep on fighting for Dimitris’ recovery, since a severe car accident changed his life forever. Dimitris is fighting against all odds in order to get his life back and he needs all of our help so that he can receive the necessary home-based treatments.

Together, we’ve made it happen for Dimitris Piperidis!

από Steve Tsomp

  • 38.100,00 

  • 38.220,06 

  • Target Goal

Ποσοστό :
The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

 Dimitris Piperidis, the 27-year-old man from the village of Vasiloudi of Thessaloniki, suffered a severe car accident when he was just 22 years old. The doctors believed he wouldn’t make it, however, after three months of hospitalization in the ICU, where he remained completely unresponsive, he showed signs of improvement. This gave a ray of hope to his family; however, the uphill struggle had just begun. When Dimitris opened his eyes, he was diagnosed quadriplegic, showing signs of intellectual disability, while he was unable to communicate and was being fed by a gastrostomy tube. Although he has been hospitalized for four years in a rehabilitation facility, the young fighter still remains confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak or move. Dimitris must be immediately subjected to an intensive home-based treatment program, which includes physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions, so that he will be able to regain his speech and fine motor skills and be fed without the use of a tube. However, fate played its own tragic game. In 2013, his father lost both of his legs, due to a severe accident. Dimitris and his father need care around the clock, therefore his mother cannot work in order to provide for her family, nor afford her son’s treatments. 

The annual cost for Dimitris’ rehabilitation program, including the orthopedic devices that they have acquired and haven’t been paid for, amounts to 38,100 euros, a sum that is impossible to raise, without everyone’s support. 

Let us all stand by Dimitris, who keeps struggling on daily basis in order to get his life back! Any contribution, big or small, can make a great difference!




  • 24-02-2022

    Together, we’ve made it happen for Dimitris Piperidis!

    After turning our love for this young fighter into action, today we are able to offer him the gift of life! Thanks to the sensitivity and the defining support of thousands of people worldwide, in just 3 weeks we have managed to raise the funds that will help make a great difference in this young man’s life. Thanks to you, Dimitris will be immediately subjected to the required, intensive, home-based treatments that will help him regain his speech and motor skills, as well as his swallowing ability. We are confident that he is going to make it!

    We would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining contribution and support. Thanks to you, we have managed to offer hope for a better future to a young man! We will stand by this family’s side for as long as needed and we will keep you updated!

  • 25-02-2022

    the moving video of Dimitris' mother

    Dimitris’ mother expresses gratitude to all those who supported the fight of the young fighter and offered  him again the hope for a better future with a very moving video! 

    Wishing him a full and speedy recovery!


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